Shawn Cunningham, Mrs. Presque Isle Corporate America 2012 Wins Two 2012 Maine Association of Broadcasting Awards
(October 2012--Bangor, Maine)--WAGM-TV News Personality & Mrs. Presque Isle Corporate America Shawn Cunningham is the recipient of two 2012 MAB (Maine Association of Broadcasting Awards. The awards were presented at the organization's fall convention and banquet in Bangor, Maine. Shawn was especially excited because one of the awards is for her continuing health segment "Medical Mondays" which airs Monday nights on Newsource 8 at Six and Newsource 8 at Eleven..and again on the station's morning show. The segment won in second place in the Public Affairs category.
"I'm SOOOO excited about Medical Mondays getting its day in the sun. I've done this segment for ten years and its truly been my baby the entire time. I'm so passionate about health/medical reporting and bringing resources to people about ways they can improve upon their health and make the most of their lives. This recognition is a nod from my industry peers that this kind of specialty coverage counts...and I'm so appreciative for this Thank you to my station management, my news director and colleagues for their unfailing support! "
The other category Shawn one in was a shared award with one of her best friends and former colleagues Gina Dipietro. They won a third place award in the category of Continuing Coverage for a series they did on Hadley McClean, an outstanding and resilient youngster who battled childhood cancer and paid it forward by raising funds for the Children's Pediatric Cancer Foundation to help other kids going through the same experience! The award is great, but the BEST news is having learned that today, little Hadley is doing remarkably well! I just saw her at school the other day when I was there doing a story on Maine's First Lady visiting. GOD is great and HIS angels truly are in heaven and on earth!
I was so excited to be able to go down and accept my award. SO surprised to get two. The other great part was in meeting the outstanding other journalists from throughout the state in a news seminar. How lucky we all are to get to work in an industry we love! My colleague Jenna Callari attended with me, as did our WAGM-TV station manager Kelly Landeen. WAGM was in FULL FORCE baby!!! And of course, supportive hubbie AJ was there cheering me on! He's such an AMAZING husband. I luv u honey!
Did I mention that the reason why Jenna was there was because my awards weren't the only ones we got. My other colleagues: Jenna Callari, Kelly O'Mara, Randi Nissenbaum and Gina Dipietro also received a continuing coverage award for their outstanding reporting on the flooding in Perth Andover. It truly was ladies night. Great job gals.
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
Shawn Cunningham Is Part of PSA Campaign: "In The Pink" Promoting Breast Cancer Awareness
WAGM-TV News Personality & Mrs. Presque Isle Corporate America/Mrs. Aroostook County 2012 Shawn Cunningham Featured in PSA Campaign Series "In The Pink" Promoting Breast Health Awareness and Breast Cancer Observance
(October 2012--Northern Maine)--October is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month but awareness had already begun throughout the year, as Shawn Cunningham joins Daigle Oil Company's Rolland Vaillencourt and Sonya Deschene in a yearlong public service campaign called "In The Pink". The PSA's began running in January on WAGM-TV and online with much acclaim and positive feedback from the community.
"I'm thrilled to be part of a multimedia effort that's helping to save people's lives through early detection and promoting local health resources. As a health reporter, its my job and mission to utilize media to inform, educate and help people take a proactive approach to staying healthy," says Cunningham.
The PSA series is just one component of Cunningham's commitment to the cause. Throughout the month of October in ongoing her Medical Monday series on WAGM-TV, Shawn also reported and produced a five part series examining breast health resources at local hospitals throughout Aroostook County...talking to many breast cancer survivors, healthcare practitioners and spotlighting technology and innovations that are helping diagnose breast cancer, provide treatment and qualitative services that are truly making a difference in people's lives. Thank you to the participating hospitals in this series: The Aroostook Medical Center, Cary Medical Center, Houlton Regional Hospital and Northern Maine Medical Center...and above all thank you to the healthcare workers and survivors for your time, and candor in bringing this issue to the forefront. I know we've made a difference!
Check out my facebook page for some of the stories. I'll add them here at a later date!
And it didn't stop there! Shawn and Team WAGM were out and about on the first Saturday in October, walking in the 20th annual Cary Medical Walk For Care. The event is a way to celebrate survivors, pay homage to those who lost their battle to breast cancer and raise funds for the hospital's new women's imaging center set to open next year.
October was busy, but a lot of fun. Making a difference can be exhausting, but WELL
worth it in the long run!
(October 2012--Northern Maine)--October is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month but awareness had already begun throughout the year, as Shawn Cunningham joins Daigle Oil Company's Rolland Vaillencourt and Sonya Deschene in a yearlong public service campaign called "In The Pink". The PSA's began running in January on WAGM-TV and online with much acclaim and positive feedback from the community.
"I'm thrilled to be part of a multimedia effort that's helping to save people's lives through early detection and promoting local health resources. As a health reporter, its my job and mission to utilize media to inform, educate and help people take a proactive approach to staying healthy," says Cunningham.
The PSA series is just one component of Cunningham's commitment to the cause. Throughout the month of October in ongoing her Medical Monday series on WAGM-TV, Shawn also reported and produced a five part series examining breast health resources at local hospitals throughout Aroostook County...talking to many breast cancer survivors, healthcare practitioners and spotlighting technology and innovations that are helping diagnose breast cancer, provide treatment and qualitative services that are truly making a difference in people's lives. Thank you to the participating hospitals in this series: The Aroostook Medical Center, Cary Medical Center, Houlton Regional Hospital and Northern Maine Medical Center...and above all thank you to the healthcare workers and survivors for your time, and candor in bringing this issue to the forefront. I know we've made a difference!
Check out my facebook page for some of the stories. I'll add them here at a later date!
And it didn't stop there! Shawn and Team WAGM were out and about on the first Saturday in October, walking in the 20th annual Cary Medical Walk For Care. The event is a way to celebrate survivors, pay homage to those who lost their battle to breast cancer and raise funds for the hospital's new women's imaging center set to open next year.
October was busy, but a lot of fun. Making a difference can be exhausting, but WELL
worth it in the long run!
Shawn Cunningham And District One Kiwanis Clubs Launch School Supply Drive
Shawn Cunningham, Mrs. Presque Isle Corporate America/Mrs. Aroostook County 2012 and the Kiwanis Clubs of District One Launch School Supply Collection Drive
(September 2012, Presque Isle, Maine)--As a member of an organizing committee...Shawn Cunningham, Mrs. PI Corporate America/Mrs. Aroostook County and the three kiwanis clubs that make up District One in New England (the communities of Presque Isle, Caribou and Easton) helped kids start the new school year off on a sound start...with new school supplies and a commitment to academic excellence. Cunningham went to all three clubs advocating for their help in bringing the project to fruition seeing the need in the immediate community and after talking to area teachers, parents and families.
Originally the idea was to collect actual supplies by turning asking the communities to give. But after much thought and support from club members & leadership, more than five hundred dollars in funding was approved by the Presque Isle Kiwanis Club to go out and buy actual supplies from area businesses including Walmart and Marden's. And this initiative is a "three club-three community" effort with the clubs of Caribou and Easton agreeing to work with school departments and PTO's in their communities to get supplies and help meet the academic needs of kids.
Kiwanis President LaNiece Winslow and committee member Penny McHatten went out to buy supplies that in turn were delivered to Pine Tree Elementary in Presque Isle. The club hopes this is just the beginning. The mission of kiwanis is to help the children of world in need and what better way to help them succeed in school than with new supplies at the beginning of the school year! It helps their self esteem, it lets them know its not just their parents, but an entire community support them. It gives them every opportunity to excel!
The story even made the front page of the local newspaper...The Star Herald and WAGM-TV did a full story on the drive as well.
(September 2012, Presque Isle, Maine)--As a member of an organizing committee...Shawn Cunningham, Mrs. PI Corporate America/Mrs. Aroostook County and the three kiwanis clubs that make up District One in New England (the communities of Presque Isle, Caribou and Easton) helped kids start the new school year off on a sound start...with new school supplies and a commitment to academic excellence. Cunningham went to all three clubs advocating for their help in bringing the project to fruition seeing the need in the immediate community and after talking to area teachers, parents and families.
Originally the idea was to collect actual supplies by turning asking the communities to give. But after much thought and support from club members & leadership, more than five hundred dollars in funding was approved by the Presque Isle Kiwanis Club to go out and buy actual supplies from area businesses including Walmart and Marden's. And this initiative is a "three club-three community" effort with the clubs of Caribou and Easton agreeing to work with school departments and PTO's in their communities to get supplies and help meet the academic needs of kids.
Kiwanis President LaNiece Winslow and committee member Penny McHatten went out to buy supplies that in turn were delivered to Pine Tree Elementary in Presque Isle. The club hopes this is just the beginning. The mission of kiwanis is to help the children of world in need and what better way to help them succeed in school than with new supplies at the beginning of the school year! It helps their self esteem, it lets them know its not just their parents, but an entire community support them. It gives them every opportunity to excel!
The story even made the front page of the local newspaper...The Star Herald and WAGM-TV did a full story on the drive as well.
Sunday, September 9, 2012
Mrs. Maine Corporate America 2012 Shawn Cunningham Unveils Video
Mrs. Maine Corporate America Unveils Video of Her Year So Far As a State Titleholder in Pursuit of the National Mrs. Corporate America Crown
(September 2012)--Mrs. Maine Corporate America 2012 Shawn Cunningham unveils a new video highlighting her year so far as a state titleholder and her platform "The Business of Service." The more than two minute video features Shawn's indepth reason of why she's running for the Mrs. Corporate America 2013 crown and pictures/video of her life so far living that very platform. With passion, purpose and perseverance I continue to give this pursuit my full attention...knowing that community service creates leaders. Thanks to my family: The Cunninghams, The Cloukeys, The Vereens and the Fortins for your love, laughter and most of all letting me be me. Thanks to all my business sector, community partners and loyal friends and fans. Thank you to all your continued support, advice and ideas of how to bring this pursuit to fruition. Special thanks to the following for your unrelenting support: my employers WAGM-TV, The Kiwanis Clubs of Presque Isle, Easton and Caribou, Momentum Aroostook, UMPI, NMCC, MMG Insurance, The Presque Isle Chamber of Commerce, PI Downtown Revitalization Committee, Maine Federation of Business & Professional Women's Club, Wintergreen Arts Center, The Seamstress Terry Burtchell, Panscofar's Bridal, The Aroostook Center Mall, Crow's Nest, Northeastland Hotel, Kim Allen & Dress for Success Maine, The Aroostook Medical Center, LEAD, NMDC, APP, Cary Medical Center, Jasmine DeRier & Aroostook County Pageants...and everyone that has ever come into my life. So many people, groups and individuals that have made me a better person for knowing you. I love you all! And last but never least, my best friend, partner, husband and soulmate AJ who has given his unfailing love, support and wisdom in all my life's journeys. I love you infinitely and have won already because no title exceeds being your wife. Thank you, thank you, thank you! So everyone, please enjoy the video...
(September 2012)--Mrs. Maine Corporate America 2012 Shawn Cunningham unveils a new video highlighting her year so far as a state titleholder and her platform "The Business of Service." The more than two minute video features Shawn's indepth reason of why she's running for the Mrs. Corporate America 2013 crown and pictures/video of her life so far living that very platform. With passion, purpose and perseverance I continue to give this pursuit my full attention...knowing that community service creates leaders. Thanks to my family: The Cunninghams, The Cloukeys, The Vereens and the Fortins for your love, laughter and most of all letting me be me. Thanks to all my business sector, community partners and loyal friends and fans. Thank you to all your continued support, advice and ideas of how to bring this pursuit to fruition. Special thanks to the following for your unrelenting support: my employers WAGM-TV, The Kiwanis Clubs of Presque Isle, Easton and Caribou, Momentum Aroostook, UMPI, NMCC, MMG Insurance, The Presque Isle Chamber of Commerce, PI Downtown Revitalization Committee, Maine Federation of Business & Professional Women's Club, Wintergreen Arts Center, The Seamstress Terry Burtchell, Panscofar's Bridal, The Aroostook Center Mall, Crow's Nest, Northeastland Hotel, Kim Allen & Dress for Success Maine, The Aroostook Medical Center, LEAD, NMDC, APP, Cary Medical Center, Jasmine DeRier & Aroostook County Pageants...and everyone that has ever come into my life. So many people, groups and individuals that have made me a better person for knowing you. I love you all! And last but never least, my best friend, partner, husband and soulmate AJ who has given his unfailing love, support and wisdom in all my life's journeys. I love you infinitely and have won already because no title exceeds being your wife. Thank you, thank you, thank you! So everyone, please enjoy the video...
Saturday, August 4, 2012
Mrs. Maine Corporate America 2012 Continues Busy Appearance Schedule...
Maine Potato Blossom Parade, Northern Maine Fair Week and Riding a Horse, Oh My!
(July/Aug 2012)--Summer traditions continue throughout Aroostook County including Potato Blossom Week culminating with the annual Potato Blossom Parade. And this year, Mrs. Maine Corporate America 2012/Mrs. Aroostook County 2012 Shawn Cunningham had the exciting opportunity to ride in the parade with her Aroostook County sister queens in regal style.
There were more than 90 floats in the parade. It is historically one of the biggest and longest running parades in the state of Maine. I've often covered the parade for the tv station, but being IN IT this year, offered the opportunity of a different outlook. My sister Angela, my niece Kaydence, Gina and my friend Melanie all came with AJ to support me.
Wow, I'm BLESSED with great family and friends. But none above THE BEST husband in the world. He braved a hot day at a parade and pageants to support me. He's a keeper ladies, and he's all MINE! One thing didn't change, the HEAT! It was hot out there. But I shared some shade, water and sunscreen with my sister queens including Kelsie Wilson who's excitedly preparing for her Miss Maine Collegiate America state pageant. Bring the crown back to the county Kelsie, you can do it. She's an OUTSTANDING young woman I've gotten to know and love while seeing at pageants throughout the county. She's a former Miss Fort Fairfield Potato Blossom queen and now she's Miss Aroostook County. Her platform is promoting education and tolerance against antibullying in schools. She's an intelligent, talented, well spoken and well rounded young woman who's a credit to the county and this state. She'll make an incredible Miss Maine Collegiate America following in the footsteps of my sister queen Brittany Bearden, the reigning Miss Maine Collegiate America.
The following week, (this current week actually wraps up Northern Maine Fair Week.) As I write this, THIS IS THE LAST DAY of the fair. And as years' past, its been an incredible experience. These last two years though, have been so remarkable for AJ and I as a couple because he joined the Fair Board. And through that rare and humbled opportunity, we as a couple have come to understand and appreciate even more the hard work and strong sense of community that makes this fair run like a well oiled machine EVERY YEAR. To the hundreds of volunteers, I say thank you for all you do. This is one of the most spectacular events in Maine and gets some recognition, but they certainly deservedly should get more.
Everything from rides, Lil Farmers at the Fair kids exhibition
check out my story about Lil Farmers at the Fair.
to the 4H club and animal programs, entertainment, harness racing, food, everything brings this community together. This is an event the whole family can enjoy, and in these days and times we need to nurture experiences like that because they're few and far between.
And speaking of 4H, BIG THANKS to the Andrea and Meagan and the rest of the Aroostook Valley 4H Club for letting me do the story of their animals and training...AND letting me take a horse ride. I had a lot of fun. I looked like quite the equestrian.LOL.
Here's a link to the story:
Now onto last night, where I had a great time last night helping to co-host the Miss Northern Maine Fair Pageant. Congrats to Carrie Winslow and her pageant team for putting on a GREAT event with seventeen contestants. These young ladies were amazing. And congrats to all the winners especially Emily Brawn who took home the Miss top honors. After many tries throughout the county in several pageants and always coming close, Emily finally got her time to shine in the spot light last night. It goes to show what happens when you never give up, always believe in yourself and work hard toward a dream. Kudos Emily.
I love this time of year, but it also makes me a little sad. The end of fair week is a reminder that fall is in the not too distant future and behind that comes another winter. Summer comes so slow and goes so fast. You have to treasure each moment until it comes again next year. And I haven't been to Portage yet this to put that on my to do list. Hmmm, maybe that'll be my next entry! Don't forget to check out my official facebook page for more updates and pictures.
Here's the link:
(July/Aug 2012)--Summer traditions continue throughout Aroostook County including Potato Blossom Week culminating with the annual Potato Blossom Parade. And this year, Mrs. Maine Corporate America 2012/Mrs. Aroostook County 2012 Shawn Cunningham had the exciting opportunity to ride in the parade with her Aroostook County sister queens in regal style.
There were more than 90 floats in the parade. It is historically one of the biggest and longest running parades in the state of Maine. I've often covered the parade for the tv station, but being IN IT this year, offered the opportunity of a different outlook. My sister Angela, my niece Kaydence, Gina and my friend Melanie all came with AJ to support me.
Wow, I'm BLESSED with great family and friends. But none above THE BEST husband in the world. He braved a hot day at a parade and pageants to support me. He's a keeper ladies, and he's all MINE! One thing didn't change, the HEAT! It was hot out there. But I shared some shade, water and sunscreen with my sister queens including Kelsie Wilson who's excitedly preparing for her Miss Maine Collegiate America state pageant. Bring the crown back to the county Kelsie, you can do it. She's an OUTSTANDING young woman I've gotten to know and love while seeing at pageants throughout the county. She's a former Miss Fort Fairfield Potato Blossom queen and now she's Miss Aroostook County. Her platform is promoting education and tolerance against antibullying in schools. She's an intelligent, talented, well spoken and well rounded young woman who's a credit to the county and this state. She'll make an incredible Miss Maine Collegiate America following in the footsteps of my sister queen Brittany Bearden, the reigning Miss Maine Collegiate America.
The following week, (this current week actually wraps up Northern Maine Fair Week.) As I write this, THIS IS THE LAST DAY of the fair. And as years' past, its been an incredible experience. These last two years though, have been so remarkable for AJ and I as a couple because he joined the Fair Board. And through that rare and humbled opportunity, we as a couple have come to understand and appreciate even more the hard work and strong sense of community that makes this fair run like a well oiled machine EVERY YEAR. To the hundreds of volunteers, I say thank you for all you do. This is one of the most spectacular events in Maine and gets some recognition, but they certainly deservedly should get more.
Everything from rides, Lil Farmers at the Fair kids exhibition
check out my story about Lil Farmers at the Fair.
to the 4H club and animal programs, entertainment, harness racing, food, everything brings this community together. This is an event the whole family can enjoy, and in these days and times we need to nurture experiences like that because they're few and far between.
And speaking of 4H, BIG THANKS to the Andrea and Meagan and the rest of the Aroostook Valley 4H Club for letting me do the story of their animals and training...AND letting me take a horse ride. I had a lot of fun. I looked like quite the equestrian.LOL.
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A CLOSE-UP View, Ralph Lauren, et your heart out! |
Now onto last night, where I had a great time last night helping to co-host the Miss Northern Maine Fair Pageant. Congrats to Carrie Winslow and her pageant team for putting on a GREAT event with seventeen contestants. These young ladies were amazing. And congrats to all the winners especially Emily Brawn who took home the Miss top honors. After many tries throughout the county in several pageants and always coming close, Emily finally got her time to shine in the spot light last night. It goes to show what happens when you never give up, always believe in yourself and work hard toward a dream. Kudos Emily.
I love this time of year, but it also makes me a little sad. The end of fair week is a reminder that fall is in the not too distant future and behind that comes another winter. Summer comes so slow and goes so fast. You have to treasure each moment until it comes again next year. And I haven't been to Portage yet this to put that on my to do list. Hmmm, maybe that'll be my next entry! Don't forget to check out my official facebook page for more updates and pictures.
Here's the link:
Mrs. Maine Corporate America and Team WAGM Support Annual Cloukey Challenge Two Day Golf Scramble
Mrs. Maine Corporate America 2012 and Team WAGM-TV Get on the Green To Support Special Olympics
(July 2012)--It was a day of sun, fun and fundraising at the annual Cloukey Challenge Golf Scramble in Northern Maine. The two day golf outing takes place at the Limestone Country Club in Limestone and Birch Point Country Club in Madawaska. As Mrs. Maine Corporate America 2012 and Mrs. Aroostook County 2012 AND proud member of Team WAGM-TV, it was an early day's start of 6am rise, and had to be at the Birch Point course by 7. But (thanks to my hubbie and uur friends' having a late night of too much fun...its was our friends' Tony Roy and fiance Katie bachelor and bachelorette parties in downtown PI) we were a bit late making it to the course the next morning. Not good, when its your husband's father and MY father-in-law's tournament. (The blame goes to AJ, Gary, JR, Tom, Tony, and many, many more...ah men! You gotta love'em) I was a good bed by 11. Anyway, that's why the guys pretty much slept the whole way to the course that morning as you can see, LOL.
Every year for MANY years, my father-in-law Rene Cloukey has coordinated this scramble to raise money for Special Olympics. We have an extremely active Special Olympics program throughout Northern Maine that garners a lot of community support, participation and volunteerism. As Sports Director and longtime Special Olympics volunteer, this is one of Rene's passions. To see the athletes give their best in a number of events... It inspires everyone to do the same in life, no matter what's thrown at you. And it is BY FAR one of the best community events the station supports. This is a great cause.
Every year Team WAGM-TV (made up of all our tv personalities and station staff) come out and go the green. I LOVE hanging out with station friends Chris, Ted S., Randi, Jenna. Missing this year was Ryan Carney who had to work, Josh Martin the handsome, handy and huggable hubbie of my galpal Laura Thomas who with almost one braved the heat but had a great cool spot under a tree for shade to be the looker for closest to the pin. I call Josh handy because you should see this guy build a parade!The winner would have walked away with some cool cash or evern better a brand new car thanks to a local cra dealership sponsor. I say Laura had an almost one because she's happily expecting so Baby Thomas made an eary debut to the Cloukey Challenge. But mother to be and baby to be were fine with Randi keeping them company under the tree. Congrats to Laura, Josh and Baby Thomas on a healthy, soon arrival. (smiles)
This year, we had two of our station newbies join us...Reporters Baha Eldin and Katie Zarrilli. And SADLY it was the last for my best girlfriend Gina Dipietro (G-FORCE) as I nicknamed her, moved to Indiana to continue the media career pursuits. And we wish her well and I miss her already. She's one of my best girls. BFF's forever.
Honestly, I'm clearly a golf novice but enjoy the pursuit. At least once a year. I have ZERO talent and ZERO patience for this sport. Eespecially playing next to AJ who'se like Tiger Woods, and Michael Phelps. He friggin excels at EVERY SPORT. I love him, but its nauseating. He fails at nothing. No I support my man. The one thing I CAN DO WELL is put. And we all did so well as a team...Me, AJ, Gary, Tony, Tom that we won the first and second half. We can in first. So I guess I didn't do that bad.
I love doing this scramble. We had record numbers come out for the Cloukey Challenge this year. Everyone looks forward to this event, its a summer tradition. Can't wait until next year. Enjoy the pics.
Don't forget to check out my official facebook page for more updates and pictures.
Here's the link:
(July 2012)--It was a day of sun, fun and fundraising at the annual Cloukey Challenge Golf Scramble in Northern Maine. The two day golf outing takes place at the Limestone Country Club in Limestone and Birch Point Country Club in Madawaska. As Mrs. Maine Corporate America 2012 and Mrs. Aroostook County 2012 AND proud member of Team WAGM-TV, it was an early day's start of 6am rise, and had to be at the Birch Point course by 7. But (thanks to my hubbie and uur friends' having a late night of too much fun...its was our friends' Tony Roy and fiance Katie bachelor and bachelorette parties in downtown PI) we were a bit late making it to the course the next morning. Not good, when its your husband's father and MY father-in-law's tournament. (The blame goes to AJ, Gary, JR, Tom, Tony, and many, many more...ah men! You gotta love'em) I was a good bed by 11. Anyway, that's why the guys pretty much slept the whole way to the course that morning as you can see, LOL.
Every year for MANY years, my father-in-law Rene Cloukey has coordinated this scramble to raise money for Special Olympics. We have an extremely active Special Olympics program throughout Northern Maine that garners a lot of community support, participation and volunteerism. As Sports Director and longtime Special Olympics volunteer, this is one of Rene's passions. To see the athletes give their best in a number of events... It inspires everyone to do the same in life, no matter what's thrown at you. And it is BY FAR one of the best community events the station supports. This is a great cause.
Every year Team WAGM-TV (made up of all our tv personalities and station staff) come out and go the green. I LOVE hanging out with station friends Chris, Ted S., Randi, Jenna. Missing this year was Ryan Carney who had to work, Josh Martin the handsome, handy and huggable hubbie of my galpal Laura Thomas who with almost one braved the heat but had a great cool spot under a tree for shade to be the looker for closest to the pin. I call Josh handy because you should see this guy build a parade!The winner would have walked away with some cool cash or evern better a brand new car thanks to a local cra dealership sponsor. I say Laura had an almost one because she's happily expecting so Baby Thomas made an eary debut to the Cloukey Challenge. But mother to be and baby to be were fine with Randi keeping them company under the tree. Congrats to Laura, Josh and Baby Thomas on a healthy, soon arrival. (smiles)
This year, we had two of our station newbies join us...Reporters Baha Eldin and Katie Zarrilli. And SADLY it was the last for my best girlfriend Gina Dipietro (G-FORCE) as I nicknamed her, moved to Indiana to continue the media career pursuits. And we wish her well and I miss her already. She's one of my best girls. BFF's forever.
Honestly, I'm clearly a golf novice but enjoy the pursuit. At least once a year. I have ZERO talent and ZERO patience for this sport. Eespecially playing next to AJ who'se like Tiger Woods, and Michael Phelps. He friggin excels at EVERY SPORT. I love him, but its nauseating. He fails at nothing. No I support my man. The one thing I CAN DO WELL is put. And we all did so well as a team...Me, AJ, Gary, Tony, Tom that we won the first and second half. We can in first. So I guess I didn't do that bad.
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Stunning Randi and Laura (trying to hide, she's so GORGEOUS, why is she trying to hide?) |
I love doing this scramble. We had record numbers come out for the Cloukey Challenge this year. Everyone looks forward to this event, its a summer tradition. Can't wait until next year. Enjoy the pics.
Don't forget to check out my official facebook page for more updates and pictures.
Here's the link:
Mrs. Maine Corporate America's County Women Working and Winning Event a DRESS for Success!
Mrs. Maine Corporate America 2012 Launches County Women Working and Winning Networking Partnered with Dress for Success Maine and Momentum Aroostook
(July 2012)--Mrs. Maine Corporate America 2012 and Mrs. Aroostook County 2012 Shawn Cunningham launched the first ever County Women Working & Winning Networking Event at Wintergreen Arts Center in Presque Isle.
What a rousing success this event was with nearly forty women from all walks of life and careers turned out to the cultural center for brunch, and exchange of ideas, personal motivation and upliftment and networking. The event was sponsored by Momentum Aroostook, a civic organization of young professionals on the move to give back to the county community and featured Dress for Success Executive Director Kimberly Allen. And a huge thanks to my sister Momentum SC Committeemember Rachel Graves for co-hosting this event with me that day. She's the gorgeous gal in the hot pink dress. YOU GO GIRL!!!!
This was the first time Allen ventured to the county and what a warm reception she got...not just from the July heat but the hearts of women wanting to get involved with this dynamic organization that empowers women throughout the state with career and life skills and enhancing professional image.
"This successful event started like everything else with an idea and a laid back conversation amongst women" says Shawn. "I asked some of my successful gals pals what would they think about having this event, and would they this needed? And they answered with a resounding YES!!!!, The next thing was to put a committee together and get it moving." Shawn, who is a steering committee member of Momentum Aroostook brought suggested the event idea to the entire board and not only were they supportive, they excitedly formed a committee. This was all made possible thanks to the incredible teamwork of committee members Rachel Rice, Rachel Graves, Kelly Gumprecht and Reegan Brown. The event also featured "swag bags" of great gifts and gift certificates from two local businesses Wilder's Jewelry and Merchants on the Corner both located in beautiful downtown Presque Isle. Allen, herself, also gave away goodies...beautiful African bead necklaces from Beaded for Life. To complete the bag, we had delicious chocolates. What girl doesn't want chocolate?
The delicious food was catered by local chef extraordinaire Gretchen Violette who works put of Wintergreen.
There were women wanting to start their own businesses, move in their companies, or launch their own nonprofits who attended. There were also women wanting to go back to school, women students and wanting to absorb more from the classroom of life who came.
The event got so much feedback and was also featured on local WAGM-TV. A BIG THANK YOU to Laura Thomas, Randi Nissenbaum and especially Katie Zarrilli for reporting on this story, the coverage is deeply appreciated. Please check out the story via the link below.
Some of the businesses and organizations that were represented by women in attendance included: The Central Aroostook Area Chamber of Commerce, Women Work & Community, Social ENVY PR and Event Planning Company, The University of Maine at Presque Isle, WAGM-TV, The Presque Isle Career Center, MMG Insurance Company, Remembering4U, Knot II Bragg Farms, The Seamstress by Terry Burtchell and so many more. Thank you to everyone who came. Kim, thank you SO MUCH for making the trip up to the county. I hope you had a great time and made some great county connections. Can't wait too have things started to DRESS FOR SUCCESS every woman in need from this area. And I'm thrilled to have made such a dynamic new friend. BIG THANKS to Wendy Gilman Zubrick for allowing us to use the beautiful Wintergreen Arts Center space for this event, again thanks to Gretchen Violette for the food. I so appreciate it and we have to keep this going. By empowering women, we empower ourselves. This was a good draw. Women are still asking when they can attend the next event, which will probably be held next spring or summer 2013.
Don't forget to check out my official facebook page for more updates and pictures.
Here's the link:
(July 2012)--Mrs. Maine Corporate America 2012 and Mrs. Aroostook County 2012 Shawn Cunningham launched the first ever County Women Working & Winning Networking Event at Wintergreen Arts Center in Presque Isle.
What a rousing success this event was with nearly forty women from all walks of life and careers turned out to the cultural center for brunch, and exchange of ideas, personal motivation and upliftment and networking. The event was sponsored by Momentum Aroostook, a civic organization of young professionals on the move to give back to the county community and featured Dress for Success Executive Director Kimberly Allen. And a huge thanks to my sister Momentum SC Committeemember Rachel Graves for co-hosting this event with me that day. She's the gorgeous gal in the hot pink dress. YOU GO GIRL!!!!
This was the first time Allen ventured to the county and what a warm reception she got...not just from the July heat but the hearts of women wanting to get involved with this dynamic organization that empowers women throughout the state with career and life skills and enhancing professional image.
"This successful event started like everything else with an idea and a laid back conversation amongst women" says Shawn. "I asked some of my successful gals pals what would they think about having this event, and would they this needed? And they answered with a resounding YES!!!!, The next thing was to put a committee together and get it moving." Shawn, who is a steering committee member of Momentum Aroostook brought suggested the event idea to the entire board and not only were they supportive, they excitedly formed a committee. This was all made possible thanks to the incredible teamwork of committee members Rachel Rice, Rachel Graves, Kelly Gumprecht and Reegan Brown. The event also featured "swag bags" of great gifts and gift certificates from two local businesses Wilder's Jewelry and Merchants on the Corner both located in beautiful downtown Presque Isle. Allen, herself, also gave away goodies...beautiful African bead necklaces from Beaded for Life. To complete the bag, we had delicious chocolates. What girl doesn't want chocolate?
The delicious food was catered by local chef extraordinaire Gretchen Violette who works put of Wintergreen.
There were women wanting to start their own businesses, move in their companies, or launch their own nonprofits who attended. There were also women wanting to go back to school, women students and wanting to absorb more from the classroom of life who came.
The event got so much feedback and was also featured on local WAGM-TV. A BIG THANK YOU to Laura Thomas, Randi Nissenbaum and especially Katie Zarrilli for reporting on this story, the coverage is deeply appreciated. Please check out the story via the link below.
Some of the businesses and organizations that were represented by women in attendance included: The Central Aroostook Area Chamber of Commerce, Women Work & Community, Social ENVY PR and Event Planning Company, The University of Maine at Presque Isle, WAGM-TV, The Presque Isle Career Center, MMG Insurance Company, Remembering4U, Knot II Bragg Farms, The Seamstress by Terry Burtchell and so many more. Thank you to everyone who came. Kim, thank you SO MUCH for making the trip up to the county. I hope you had a great time and made some great county connections. Can't wait too have things started to DRESS FOR SUCCESS every woman in need from this area. And I'm thrilled to have made such a dynamic new friend. BIG THANKS to Wendy Gilman Zubrick for allowing us to use the beautiful Wintergreen Arts Center space for this event, again thanks to Gretchen Violette for the food. I so appreciate it and we have to keep this going. By empowering women, we empower ourselves. This was a good draw. Women are still asking when they can attend the next event, which will probably be held next spring or summer 2013.
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