(June 2012)--My life’s credo is "You can either sit on the sidelines watching life's parade pass you by...or you can lead it, marching proudly!" I have always chosen to face life head on. I've learned that hard work does reward a feeling of accomplishment and payoffs and why its incredibly important to pull myself up by my own bootstraps...through planning, determination, and confidence…dreams can be realized....and above all you can't be a winner and a whiner at the same time, or at all. I also learned that I can encourage, motivate and inspire other people to be leaders. I know how important it is to be around like-minded people...to distance yourself from naysayers and lean toward positive thinkers, speakers and people of action.
I think all people are innately born to win. What sets us apart is making that realization, facing tough choices, looking ahead and being able to persevere through difficult circumstances. Not standing stoic in that situation for any length of time. We also need to learn from past mistakes, unwise decisions and not be weighed down because you made a stupid decision every once in a while. It took me years in this profession, and I'm still learning how to master the art of being Shawn. I'm enjoying the journey (especially through this Mrs. Corporate America experience) of learning new things about myself, appreciating who Shawn is, being proud of where I come from and being excited of where I'm going. I know thinking with an affirmative attitude is key, maintaining that can do attitude is an absolute must! Sometimes my devotion to serving the community can stress me out (with the multitasking, juggling and taking on more) And I've also learned the importance of balance and how to say no, sometimes. But above all else, what drives me, what fuels me is knowing I'm making a difference and somehow leaving an imprint of excellence on those I come in contact with.
I know I can do the same, extend that endeavor if you will, as the next Mrs. Corporate America 2013. My platform "The Business of Service" is all about that. I've engaged in community service for what feels all my life. If you count collecting money in the tray at church as a kid, yeah...it definitely would be all my life. And service isn't something I'm just thrown myself in for a pageant title, its an endeavor my whole family is devoted to...including my husband AJ. Its something we're passionate about and share as a couple and want to pass onto our kids someday.

I'm no stranger to being a queen, but representing the title of Mrs. Maine Corporate America 2013 is a designation of great pride to me because it partners service with professionalism.
My formula for success: