(May 2012)--The National Association of Professional Women held their annual networking and leadership conference in New York City at the Sheraton Ballroom and Towers. It was an honor to be among more than a thousand woman who came from all over the country to attend this exciting event. Well when the Mistress of Ceremonies is TV empressario and 'would be' Apprentice Star Jones Esq. I can understand why so many wanted to see the STAR power up close and personal. And I had a front seat, in the VIP section as a month before the conference the organization had contacted me with the humbling news that they had selected me as a 2012 Young Career Woman of the Year for all my career and community service achievements...including representing my state at the upcoming National Mrs. Corporate America Competition next year. One big perk for the distinction, was a front row seat at the conference. Another big perk, my honoree plaque which should be arriving at work anyday now. (can't wait to get it!)

The conference started bright and early 8:30 AM with registration and early meet & greet/pre-networking with other conference attendees. I was loving the dress I was wearing. Purple is power! and I was feeling it in that hotel from the moment I walked in.
These were some dynamic women. I met a woman who drove in from southern Virginia and had started her own youth girls motivational organization. Then another woman had started her own cosmetics line. There were women from the south, upstate New York, Texas, even as far as California. All attending with the promise of personal success and mental fulfillment. After all, success really does begin in your mind. You achieve what you believe!
And then the event began, with meeting Ms. Star herself! This woman is a powerhouse. Accomplished, talented and confident. Fully aware of her self worth. And the leadership panels throughout the day were no less filled with dynamic, extraordinary women. Women including Rachel Zuckerberg (a cofounder of Fcaebook), Christie Hefner (who ran Playboy Enterprises), The CEO of Saks Fifth Avenue, the CEO of CNN Worldwide. The keynote speaker was Sara Blakely the founder/owner of SPANX, an innovative idea that she turned into a multibillion dollar business and enterprise.
There were alot of advice and suggestions in achieving success...but one thing continued to echo the ballroom. "Persistence Does Pays Off...Giving up should NEVER be an option or a consideration if you want to SUCCEED!" They also talked about how sometimes you have to be your only support system, biggest cheerleader, and loudest voice if you want to prevail. Against other naysayers, even your inner voice telling you to quit. You just can't!
After lunch and both leadership panels, including the keynote speaker talk...we had a half hour speed networking session. Its kind of like speed dating except you sit across from the other person and in ten minutes talk about yourself, what you want to accomplish, and how you're working to meet that goal. Its a GREAT exercise, because another great asset to have in success is GREAT COMMUNICATION SKILLS and not being afraid to sell yourself, market your idea and a deep love or passion for your endeavor. We also exchanged business cards and I happily gave all mine away by the end of the day. And collected even more. It was a successful day indeed.
I'm so thrilled to be a member of this organization and to be in contact with so many diverse women 'doing BIG things.' I plan to work with the state chapter of NAPW and continue to invite more working/professional women into this fold of achievement, success and solidarity.
Can't wait till next year's conference. I wonder who they'll have...Someday I plan on being their keynote speaker. Maybe as Mrs. Corporate America. One can dream...and work to bring that dream into fruition! (wink)
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